How long can it take for a server deployement

It usually takes less than a day for YouTube or OTT server deployment, for news server it takes Upto 2 Weeks.

Auto Renewal using PayPal Subscription.

Usually all the subscriptions are set on monthly/Yearly renewals, PayPal takes care of the deductions. No Charge Backs are allowed as its not a product, its a charge to a service.

Can i get refund for my order

Refunds are only given if we are unable to fulfill the requirement of the service/server. Using PayPal dispute system will void the authority of claim.

What if recurring payment isnt done.

Usually if the payment gets delayed by 2 Days the server gets automatically stopped.

How will i get the server credentials.

You will get access to VNC and ssh, the credentials will be sent over the email.

Changing server plan

To change the server plan reach us through contact us page.

Operating system of the server

The server operating system depends on the plan & requirements. All YouTube plans come with Ubuntu, we can provide Windows on special request(Additional Charges).

What is a managed service.

In managed service we maintain the server, and all the streaming requirements.

What is a unmanaged server.

In a un-managed server customer maintains the stream, we only handle the server side maintenance.

Sponsor my channel

All channels with more than 50k subscribers are free to host with Streamingplate.com. T&C apply.

Free Trials?

We don’t provide any trial server.